Croatia & Slovakia - Electric Car and Sustainable Home Startup Founders

January 11, 2016 - 4:30pm to 5:45pm
Hewlett 201 Auditorium (Hewlett Teaching Center, Engineering Campus)

Open to the Public at no charge. Stanford Alumni and Silicon Valley professionals welcome. No Pre-Registration required.

Full length videos of most sessions are made available via our Youtube Channel by the following Friday of each week.

European Entrepreneurship & Innovation @ Stanford Engineering (ME421)

Session Two of 'European Entrepreneurship' presents Rimac Automobili, Southeastern Europe's award-winning world class electric car|bike startup out of Zagreb. Our second founder, based in Bratislava, will showcase the new EcoCapsule sustainable living home that has received lots of attention in the design and architecture communities. Both companies demonstrate the solid innovation potential in Central and Eastern Europe, and the challenges they face as they move from bootstrapping mode to venture-backed company aimed at global markets.

Follow Us Online: Twitter @Europreneurs || YouTube Channel || Speaker Slides


  • Igor Zacek - CEO & Co-Founder, EcoCapsule | Nice Architects (Slovakia) 
  • Mate Rimac - CEO & Founder, Rimac Automobili (Croatia)


* Speaker Videos – 'Stanford Europreneurs' YouTube Channel 

* 'European Entrepreneurship' LinkedIn Group (16K+ members) 

Mondays 4:30pm - 5:45pm. Stanford Engineering's 'European Entrepreneurship and Innovation' is a weekly speaker series that presents founders, entrepreneurs, CEOs, investors and other leaders from Europe's hitech startup, venture finance, corporate and university communities. 

Sponsored by the Center for Design Research, Dept of Mechanical Engineering

Event Sponsor: 
Mechanical Engineering - Design, European Entrepreneurship & Innovation @ Stanford Engineering
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