Intersections: Does AI belong in the classroom?

September 4, 2019 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Mackenzie Room (Room 300)

Does AI belong in the classroom? Will tomorrow’s classroom look like today’s smart home? Is AI in the classroom a boon or a curse? How can educators and technologists work together to develop tools and methods that facilitate the learning experience? Can intelligent learning promote personalized intellectual exploration? This Intersections event puts faculty from the Stanford Graduate School of Education and the Stanford School of Engineering in conversation.

Join us as Laura McBain, director of the K12 Lab at Stanford University’s, moderates a discussion between computer science professor James Landay and education expert Karin Forssell on the ways that AI is changing today’s classrooms and school systems. Shelley Goldman, associate dean for faculty affairs and for student affairs and professor (teaching) at the Stanford Graduate School of Education, will provide introductions.

This event is open to all. It is co-hosted by the Stanford School of Engineering and the Stanford Graduate School of Education. Registration fee ($15) include post-event reception.

This event is open to all. It is co-hosted by the Stanford School of Engineering and the Stanford Graduate School of Education. Light refreshments will be served following the talk.

Stanford affiliates should pre-register through this link. Non-Stanford affiliates may register here. A payment of $15 will be collected at the door (credit card payments only).

Event Sponsor: 
Graduate School of Education, School of Engineering
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