NHTSA Automated Vehicle Operational Guidance Public Meeting

April 27, 2016 - 12:00am
Automotive Innovation Facility 473 Oak Road Stanford, CA 94305

At this meeting, NHTSA seeks input on planned operational guidelines for the safe deployment of automated vehicles (AV). Of high importance to the agency is information on the roadway scenarios and operational environments that highly automated vehicles will need to address, and the associated design and evaluation processes and methods needed to ensure that AV systems are able to detect and appropriately react to these scenarios.

Draft Agenda:
Two identical sessions:
09:00-12:00—Morning Public Meeting Session
12:00-13:00—Lunch Break (No Lunch Provided)
13:00-16:00—Afternoon Public Meeting Session

Additional Information:
Registration is required.
The meeting will also be webcast live and a link will be provided here and available through http://www.nhtsa.gov/Research/Crash+Avoidance/Automated+Vehicles.

Visitor parking is availble at Galvez Field. Shuttles to AIF will depart Galvez Field every 30 minutes: 8:00-11:00 am and 12:00-5:00 pm. See map for more information.