Open Garage Talk, Tuesday, October 20

October 20, 2015 - 6:00pm to October 26, 2015 - 7:00pm
Automotive Innovation Facility. 473 Oak Rd. Stanford, CA 94305

Please join us for the unveiling of Stanford’s latest research vehicle platform (MARTY) that will take us back to the future. Today’s Open Garage Talk will feature the students who led the development of this vehicle and Renovo partners in a discussion lead by Mythbusters’ Jaime Hyneman. We’ll share the latest video footage and stories behind the one and half year development. We’ve received an overwhelming response for this event. Please arrive during the reception (5:00 – 6:00 PM) to secure a seat. MARTY receives tire support from our Bridgestone affiliate.

Event Sponsor: 
Center for Automotive Research at Stanford
Revs Program at Stanford