
Designing to the Limits: Algorithms for Peak Performance recording available

The August Open Garage Talk, Designing to the Limits: Algorithms for Peak Performance is available here. CARS Co-Director Mykel Kochenderfer and Tim Wheeler, eVTOL software engineer, authors of Algorithms for Optimization , joined us for a moderated discussion with Sebastian Thrun, founder of Google's self-driving car team, discussing how modern design approaches shape what move us.

September CARS webinar with Ramon Iglesias available

Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand (AMoD) systems present a major paradigm shift in modern mobility and a unique opportunity to alleviate many of our transportation woes. In our Sept webinar, Ramon Iglesias, Ph.D. candidate with Marco Pavone's lab will presented a queuing network approach to the problem of routing, re-balancing, and charging a fleet of self-driving vehicles within an AMoD system. View the webinar here.

CARS Webinar with Karen Leung: How to expect the unexpected: Ensuring safety for interactive driving scenarios recording available

Karen Leung Ph.D. candidate with Prof. Marco Pavone's Autonomous Systems Lab presented her research on using backward reachability analysis to construct a minimally-interventional safety controller operating within an autonomous vehicle control stack with the role of ensuring collision-free interaction with a human-driven counterpart. View the webinar here.

CARS Validating Neural Networks Hands-on Workshop course intro/overview recording available

Former CARS Fellow Changliu Liu led a hands-on workshop in early June on NeuralVerification.jl. We are in the process of developing an online course with the workshop content and have the introduction for an early sneak peek available here. Additional content will be available soon including lectures and work-group videos. Link.

Two SCPNT Founders to Receive 2019 Queen Elizabeth Engineering Prize

The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering has been awarded to two founders of the Stanford Center for Position, Navigation and Time (SCPNT), Brad Parkinson and James Spilker along with Hugo FrueHauf and Richard Schwartz for their work on the Global Positioning System (GPS). The QEPrize celebrates the global impact of engineering innovation on humanity.
