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A newly released California Council on Science and Technology report by an expert committee including Michael Mastrandrea with the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment overviews the state's energy challenges and potential solutions
A new initiative of the Stanford University Office of Technology Licensing (OTL), the High Impact Technology (HIT) Fund, provides business guidance and industry connections to Stanford researchers and entrepreneurs. The HIT fund, which awards up to $250,000, hopes to bridge the gap between the...
The Stanford Ecopreneurship progam creates new opportunities for sustainability entrepreneurs through hands-on project-based learning, mentorship, coaching and grants for students.
“I’m excited for the opportunity to lead the Sustainability Accelerator and grow it into an organization that generates solutions at speed and scale,” Cui said. “This accelerator provides a novel opportunity to leverage Stanford’s extraordinary sustainability scholarship and work with partners...
The first Flagship Destination for the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability is greenhouse gas removal which calls for solutions to be developed to remove gigatons of carbon dioxide equivalent from the atmosphere per year.