Recent News
New hardware created by Stanford team shows a way to develop delicate quantum technologies based on tiny mechanical devices
By bringing the benefits of mechanical systems into the extremely small scales of the quantum realm, Stanford researchers have demonstrated new capabilities by coupling tiny nanomechanical oscillators with a type of circuit that can store and process energy in the form of a qubit.
The new book by Mykel Kochenderfer, associate professor of aeronautics and astronautics and colleagues, Tim A. Wheeler and Kyle H. Wray, recommends various approaches for designers solving different kinds of problems.
The latest edition of the 2022 AI Index report, an independent initiative of the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI), includes data from research and development to technical performance and ethics, the economy and education, AI policy and governance and more.
An interdisciplinary Stanford team has developed and is seeking widespread adoption of an Ethics and Society Review (ESR) process for researchers to consider ethical and societal impacts and how to mitigate potential harms prior to funding.
The 2022 Forbes' "30 Under 30" features two current Stanford students and eight recent alumni developing energy and sustainability-related technologies--the most Stanford students and alumni in cleantech since Forbes started its list 10 years ago.