Affiliate Membership Model
The Center for Automotive Research at Stanford (CARS) industry affiliate program provides a unique partnership between our affiliate members and Stanford University. Facilitating a community that encompasses academic experts, industry leaders and policymakers, CARS plays a key role in shaping the future of mobility. Our affiliates build relationships with Stanford researchers through participation in Center programs and activities. CARS provides shared infrastructure for research, teaching, student project teams and new educational initiatives across many different research centers on campus such as the School of Law, the Graduate School of Business and the various School of Engineering departments. This interdisciplinary approach makes CARS a unique automotive community.
Membership Costs
The CARS affiliate membership fee is $32,000 per year. Companies can join the program at any time for a 12-month period. CARS offers a large variety of membership benefits to meet the needs of smaller industrial affiliates as well as larger organizations. Affiliate members attend CARS workshops & classes, receive CARS publications and join the automotive community at Stanford. CARS affiliates are strongly encouraged to engage with one or more faculty members, fellowship/research program or support class projects through our membership.
Affiliates Benefits
The benefits of a formal affiliation with the CARS program are:

Through panel discussions, and workshops on mobility topics, affiliates are invited to connect with students, faculty and other industry experts to informally exchange ideas.

Semi-monthly research seminar to connect affiliates with Stanford researchers across disciplines to explore opportunities for collaboration.

Held every fall, the Annual Meeting gathers affiliates to hear faculty, industry leaders and students present their latest research.

The annual CARS Resume Book connects affiliates to students across Stanford who are interested in an internship or career positions in the automotive field.

CARS creates numerous opportunities for members, faculty and students to become engaged in the future of transportation. Site presentations and all information, data and results arising from such visitation interactions will be shared with all members and the public.

A monthly overview of upcoming events and lectures, research and education updates, and internal announcements.