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  • This seminar is for students to learn how to assess the impact of historical importance through the lens of the automobile. Students will participate in discussions about measuring and judging historical importance from a number of perspectives - engineering, aesthetic, historical, etc. They will then decide on criteria and use these to be a part of a judging team at the Pebble Beach Concours...

  • Sensors are widely used in scientific research and as an integral part of commercial products and automated systems. The basic principles for sensing displacement, force, pressure, acceleration, temperature, optical radiation, nuclear radiation, and other physical parameters. Performance, cost, and operating requirements of available sensors. Elementary electronic circuits which are typically...

  • Review of root-locus and frequency response techniques for control system analysis and synthesis. State-space techniques for modeling, full-state feedback regulator design, pole placement, and observer design. Combined observer and regulator design. Lab experiments on computers connected to mechanical systems. Prerequisites: 105, MATH 103, 113. Recommended: Matlab.

  • Internal combustion engines including conventional and turbocharged spark ignition, and diesel engines. Lectures: basic engine cycles, engine components, methods of analysis of engine performance, pollutant emissions, and methods of engine testing. Lab involves hands-on experience with engines and test hardware. Limited enrollment. Prerequisites: 140.

  • Research seminar. Evaluation of the technologies and business model innovations that are transforming our transportation system. Study of existing examples like Tesla, Uber, Lyft, Rideshare, ZipCar, the Google self-driving car, Urban Engines. Identification of additional technologies, business model changes, and economic productivity opportunities to reduce fuel/energy use, increase asset...

  • Humanize My Ride is vehicle design for the extreme user. We will explore the relationship between specialized vehicles and their user¿s needs to inform a deep dive into designing and prototyping a unique purpose modified ride for a new type of user. Utilizing the designing thinking approach and emerging technology such as Google GLASS, student teams will interview drivers and users of...

  • This course will introduce the main concepts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions measurement and management, and it will explore the main mitigation options for reducing emissions or sequestering carbon dioxide. It will address technical aspects of GHG mitigation via energy efficiency and demand-side management, energy in high-technology industry, distributed power and co-generation, the role...

  • In this STS senior capstone seminar, students will study the local and global impacts of the technologies that have increased personal mobility. STS majors must have Senior status to enroll in this Senior Capstone course.

  • Emphasis on proton exchange membrane (PEM) and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), and principles of electrochemical energy conversion. Topics in materials science, thermodynamics, and fluid mechanics. Prerequisites: MATH 43, PHYSICS 55, and ENGR 30 or ME 140, or equivalents.

  • Design of linear feedback control systems for command-following error, stability, and dynamic response specifications. Root-locus and frequency response design techniques. Examples from a variety of fields. Some use of computer aided design with MATLAB. Prerequisite: EE 102, ME 161, or equivalent.
